The Merryville Museum has been very busy for the year of 2024! Your membership and donations afford us to give back to the community and to preserve history for future generations.
Here is a look at all that we have accomplished this year.

The museum started the year off by planning for our March festival and sending out letters for our membership drive. Many sponsorship letters and vendor applications go out at this time as
well. Our museum continues to welcome cyclists from all over the state and abroad with the Warm Showers program. We provide shelter for over 100 cyclists per year.
Membership drive begins!
Members are busily planning our Pioneer Heritage Festival in March.
This month, the museum sponsored a “Triple Play’ for the Merryville Recreational League. This sponsorship helped to guide over 200 children ages 4 to 13.

The Museum hosted our annual Pioneer Heritage Festival .
The parade started our festivities with over 40 entries.
Donated refreshments for a BETA Club member’s convention visit.
A gift basket was created and donated for a raffle to raise funds for the Merryville Recreational Baseball/Softball Leagues.
The museum is a partner in education with our local school, Merryville High School.
The museum donated $200 to the Beta Club for annual their expenses.
The senior graduate scholarship forms were sent to all senior volunteers.

Hannah Harrington of Merryville High School received the annual $500 Museum Volunteer Scholarship!
Certificates of Appreciation were given to all high school students for their volunteer hours at the museum during the high school awards ceremony.
A monetary donation and resting stop were provided to cyclists on the Circles on a Mission fundraiser for the Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana.
The museum provided bottled water for the Merryville 4-H Summer Splash Day at Merryville High School.

Bags of school supplies were given out to over 70 local parents with students in Pre-K to 5th grade who attended our local school. Free snow cones were provided to all who attended the
school supply drive and 5 spirit t-shirts were given away.
Pizza, chips, snack cakes, and bottled water were provided to 57 band members at Merryville High School Band Camp.
Cookies, chips, and juice boxes were given for the Merryville Library Summer Reading Program.
A donation was made to the Wreaths Across America program to purchase 15 veteran wreaths that
no longer have family living to be placed during the program at the Historic Cannon Cemetery
on December 14, 2024.

A $500 donation was given to the Merryville Youth Football League for their expenses.
A $300 donation was made to the MHS Panther Pride Marching Band fundraiser to help cover essential expenses.
The museum sponsored a $100 ad in the MHS Football program.
A donation was given to Shon Branham to help with cancer treatment expenses. Shon has been the museum’s MC for the Pioneer Heritage Festival for many years.

A donation was made to the MHS Junior Class to assist in their expenses for the Annual Homecoming Dance.
The museum participated in the Beauregard Parish Fair Parade and opened an informational booth at the exhibit hall.
The museum hosted our Annual Scarecrow contest in downtown Merryville. The unique entries put a smile on many residents and traveler's faces. Monetary prizes were awarded to the winners.
The museum planted marigolds and pansies in the town hall planter boxes.
The Annual Homecoming BBQ fundraiser was a success again this year!
The museum participated in the Homecoming parade.
The museum handed out over 200 cups filled with candy to children on Halloween.

14 Adventure cyclists were hosted from the USA and abroad. Meals were provide for our guests.

The museum hosted a community event called “Christmas ‘Round the Cabin”. There was shopping, snow-filled fun, live entertainment, story time with crafts, and a special visit from Santa! A lighted Christmas parade closed the event with over 40 entries.
Monetary prizes were awarded to parade winners.
The museum was a distribution location for Toys for Tots, helping provide toys for families in need in our community.